Treatment for Neuropathy in Legs and Feet in Houston and Sugar Land TX
Any disorder that impacts the nerves outside of your brain or spinal cord is referred to as peripheral neuropathy. It frequently leads to weakness, numbness, and discomfort, most commonly in the hands and feet. Dr. George Atallah, D.O., and his team at Modern Pain Management Clinic provide extensive medical care for various forms of peripheral neuropathy using effective treatments. For more information, please contact us or book an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Houston TX and Sugar Land TX.

Table of Contents:
Can neuropathy in the legs be cured?
What triggers neuropathy?
What does neuropathy feel like in the legs?
What causes neuropathy in the feet and legs?
Unfortunately, it is the case that peripheral neuropathy is a chronic condition that is generally not able to be cured. In some cases, neuropathy can go away over time, however, it is largely dependent on what condition caused the neuropathy in the first place. With that being said, there are options to treat and prevent its progress. For many people, medication will be a primary treatment for neuropathy and will help mitigate the pain associated with nerve damage. Injections, oral tablets or pills, and even topical skin patches are some forms of medication that help ease the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. In some cases, it can be greatly beneficial to undergo surgery to help relieve pain associated by either repositioning existing nerves or removing damaged ones. These nerves can be responsible for sending faulty pain signals to the brain, and thus, can be treated appropriately. Another common treatment that has shown positive results with neuropathy is physical therapy. Physical therapy provides the benefit of strengthening the muscles so the function of said peripheral is not harmed, as well as the common improvement of pain symptoms. So while neuropathy cannot be cured, living with neuropathy can be made better thanks to the extensive list of treatment options available.
Many who experience peripheral neuropathy may notice trends in which their condition flares up, however, there are a variety of triggers of neuropathy pain that people should be made aware of. Higher levels of anxiety or stress are commonly noted as one potential reason for increased neuropathy pain or activity. Stress and anxiety can trigger inflammatory responses in the body, which in turn can lead to a spike in pain in the peripheral nerves. On top of this, it is not uncommon for physical exertion and strenuous exercise to be the root cause of neuropathy pain spikes as well for similar reasons. It is also the case that chronic pain, like that of neuropathy, worsens in cold weather. This is due to the slowing of blood flow in such weather to the peripheral nerves, especially to the hands and feet, which in turn, aggravates the symptoms of neuropathy. For some, healthy lifestyle changes will need to be made to limit the pain experienced with neuropathy, which is how talking with a physician about how to approach the issue can help.
Those who experience neuropathy, generally describe the pain associated with the condition as either stabbing or burning. Another very common experience for those with neuropathy is a tingling, numbness, or loss of sensation in the affected peripheral nerves. Other commonly reported symptoms include weakness and cramps, as well as twitching of muscles. Neuropathy, in regards to the lower body and leg areas, may also interfere with balance due to weakness and limited sensation. While it is the case that neuropathy can be a great hindrance to many people, there are treatment options available and it is only a matter of contacting qualified healthcare professionals to help with your symptoms.
Neuropathy in the feet or legs is a type of peripheral neuropathy, and to be more specific, peripheral neuropathy refers to damage of the nerves apart from the central nervous system (CNS), or simply the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms frequently include numbness and tingling, as well as sharp or burning pain in the area. Peripheral neuropathy is not something that occurs as an isolated health condition, rather it is the product of an underlying condition that may be due to physical trauma/injury, type 2 diabetes, certain infections, excessive alcohol consumption, low levels of certain vitamins, inflammation of blood vessels, and much more. In general, neuropathy is not curable, however, it may fade over time depending on the initial cause. While there is unfortunately no cure, there are a variety of ways to help treat it and prevent it from getting worse such as medication, physical therapy, and surgery to name a few. It is greatly beneficial to speak with a physician to not only address the pain associated with neuropathy but to address any underlying health conditions as well.
Minimize pain, tingling, and other signs of neuropathy by visiting our board-certified expert, Dr. George Atallah, D.O., at Modern Pain Management. For more information, please contact us or book an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Houston TX and Sugar Land TX. We serve patients from Houston TX, Sugar Land TX, Pearland TX, Jersey Village TX, Missouri City TX, Stafford TX, and Richmond TX.